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The A-T Research Team at the University of Nottingham UK are developing a programme for cancer surveillance in children and young people with A-T.

They are inviting clinicians with 2 or more years’ experience in caring for people with A-T from around the world to take part in a survey to share their opinions and current practice.  The aim is to develop a consensus amongst experts using a Delphi process, which will be published and used to guide future trials of cancer surveillance in A-T.  The attached one-page PDF called ‘Cancer screening in A-T survey and Delphi’ provides more information on the project. 

If you are a clinician with experience of caring for people with A-T please contact the team at このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。 by 22/11/2021 and they will send the link to the first questionnaire.

Thank you!

A-T Research Team

University of Nottingham, UK