



An A-T Clinical Research Conference Zoom Session

Come Learn About A-T Trials That Have Data To Share!

10.00 AM EST: Welcome and introductions by Cynthia Rothblum-Oviatt
10.05: David Coman: Triheptanoin - A trial in progress for A-T (recorded presentation)
10.20: Discussion (note this will not be Q&A style)
10.30: David Lynch: Omaveloxolone - Presentation of findings with Friedreich’s ataxia and
insights on clinical trial design for rare diseases
10.55 Q&A and Discussion
11.10: Helena Donath: Potential biomarkers for A-T – NF-L and miRNA
11.25: Q&A and Discussion
11.35: Howard Lederman: Finding biomarkers for A-T – potential for an in-depth session
11.50: General discussion - Biomarkers
12.00: Last minute Q&A / Discussion for all speakers
12.30: Adjourn



Thursday, December 9, 2021 at 7AM PT US/ 10AM ET US/

3PM UK / 4 PM EU

Session to last approx. 2.5h


Registration Information


Register in advance for this meeting


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